What is Media Fusion Arts?

Media Fusion Arts.com (MFA) is designed to help artists create and publish multi-media projects in a highly accessible, interactive, page-flipping ebook format.

The easiest way to understand this format is to click on flying stones or the free copy of flying stones to the right.  Note that in each set of pages there is text and at least two forms of media that work together to deliver colorful, enriched content in an interactive format.    

Here is how participate:
1. Check out project news: see what projects are already in process. 
2. Join or propose a project: Find a project you want to work on with other artists or propose your own project for other artists to work with you, all without charge. 
3. Create an Ebook: do it yourself by purchasing a digital, page-flipping ebook program or request MFA to create your ebook at nominal cost; free creation will be provided by MFA for projects meeting certain criteria – contact MFA for information;

4. Post Your Ebook: MFA will post your new, unjuried multimedia project created with collaborating MFA artists on MFA’s site without charge and with means for public comment; 
5. Publish Your Ebook: if requested, MFA will present your multimedia project created with MFA collaborating artists to an independent panel for potential juried publication, marketing and sale on MFA’s site.

Retain Your Ownership Rights: you and your MFA collaborators retain all ownership rights to your individual work and collaboration.


  1. What a wonderful concept - this has the potential to allow artists of different mediums to explore and create a moving, living piece of art.

  2. Artists worldwide - you can translate this site by selecting your language under the "Translate" section to the right.

  3. Hello Peter! Looks like you've already had your first comment. Can't wait to see this concept flourish. I'll be gathering some of my bridge photos and bridge commentary together for a collaboration.

    1. Thanks Doug. I encourage you to describe your project under the Collaborator's tab and provide a link to your bio and samples of work.

  4. Nice job setting this up Peter and Chill Fox Media. It looks great!

    Frosty The Snowman


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